
Reward Savings Accounts
Updated January 30th 2011

Reward Savings Accounts are accounts where you must save a certain amount a month thus making a deposit each month. They usually offer great interest and if you don't need to make withdrawals and want to save they could be the type of account for you. Watch out for penalties and fees and make sure you can make the deposit because that is how you get the bonus interest and if you don't get that the base interest is not usually a lot.

These rates are shown for amounts under $10,000 AUD, some accounts give you higher rates if if you deposit more we have used 10,000 as an average. With these accounts there is a great deal of terms and conditions which range a massive amount between banks. We then strongly enforce to all viewers that these rates are likely to be incorrect and you must check with the bank before committing to one of the accounts listed.

Account Name
ANZ Progress Saver 6.01
Commonwealth Award Saver 3.00
NAB Smart Reward Saver 4.75
Westpac Reward Saver 5.45

Rates are shown with inclusion of Bonus Interest. Note: base rate will be lower

Top Account

ANZ Progress Saver 6.01