Legal Information

This site is purely an information site that shows information collected by the team at Rates Compare. Therefore mistakes are likely to be made and we reinforce that all patrons should go to the actual banks site or visit a local bank before deciding to set up the account. All information and data is obtained from the web sites of each various bank, so some of there new rates may not be updated either. We take no responsibility for mistakes, as everyone should check with the bank and speak to their advisors before committing to any account. We merely provide basic information to help you get an estimated rate.

Some information in 2011 is now being shown using an iframe in which we show our visitors the rates that could directly from the banks websites. The rates should then be up to date to the same accuracy as the banks we are showing. We hope this isnt a problem for any bank, we have done it just to avoid any inaccuracies and to give our visitors the best information.

This site is updated in many cases in uneven intervals, which thus means that there will often be incorrect data on this site. We are striving to make it as accurate as possible if you have any queries or new updates let us know by emailing us at

Note also that though this web site is designed for all Australians and even the world the rates are most accurate for Queenslander's so check rates more carefully if you are in any other Australian state, as some rates vary.

We truly are not aiming to paint any institution in a bad light but merely help people make good investment decisions. If you have any issues please dont hesitate to contact us on the email above.


Front page picture by Flickr user; teegardin